Well here it is, late Monday night and I'm just getting to blogville. It was a busy weekend. I usually plan out what I wish to do a week or more in advance. I do that by looking over what I have out in the stores, looking at the season, and then considering what I need to round out the collections. As I was looking over my 1920's clothing line last week, I realized I did not have a single dress in black! So for my 13th (!) Roaring 20's gown, I made 'Bye Bye Blackbird' in black satin with a crescent moon at the hip. As often happens, a song struck me as fitting with the gown. That's why we have the Blackbird video at the beginning here. I don't think of it as a sad song so much as a reflective one. Something sultry and very fitting for this gown.
As always period undergarments come with. In this case it's a blush colored silk stepin. That's a one piece undergarment that you literally stepped into.
After this slinky little number, I went all hot and bothered with Chicago's opening dance number, 'All that jazz'. I love the movie, and of course the outfits. This one isn't the same as what's worn in the movie, but it's just as sexy and based on a real garment.
Can you imagine wearing the real thing and going out dancing? There's some serious sexy in that dress! And with 'Velma's Jazz' I can now present you 14 different 1920's dresses! It's not the end, there will be more, and in a few weeks I'll be introducing another line of dresses for a different time period.
Later this week, I'll have two new Victorian gowns out, as well as a 1950's gold satin ballgown. I'm trying a little different style with the Victorian gowns so I hope it's something the ladies will like. Until then, I'll leave you with a bit of fun and the video from the opening scenes of Chicago!
As always, these gowns will also be up on Xstreet in the next day or so.
The first day of Spring is today, and I have three lovely new offerings for you all. The first is named for Demeter, a Greek goddess and mother of Persephone. This gown is from House of Worth and dates to about 1903.
The headpiece and undergarments come with the gown. The pattern is quite beautiful, and the original gown is made of velvet.
The next gown we have is Demeter's daughter, the goddess Persephone.
Made of heavy blue satin, the gown is based on an original 1903 or so Liberty of London gown. Much like the earlier gown, Harmonia, this gown has cut outs on the sleeves, a small train, and flowing skirts. It would do well for any evening event where a lady might wish to look like a Goddess!
Last for the week is a 1920's era gown. This is a day dress, meant for whatever day time activities you wish to do that don't involve flapping! The gossamer dagged sleeves and ethereal skirt are really very pretty.
A small hat comes with this outfit, as well as two sets of undergarments. I couldn't make up my mind, so you get them both!
All gowns can be found at my Blisswood store. If you're not sure where that is, just come inworld and check my picks, or look up on Xstreet, as all the gowns are also there.
I hope your first day of Spring is beautiful, wherever you may be!
There's a lot happening at Seamstress this week. It has been a very LONG week of work! Fabric is flying, and we're putting out some of our very best for the RFL Clothing Fair. I won't do a huge long blog this week, just show you the five new gowns that are out and where you can get them. The song, Lara's Theme, is for one of the new gowns that I love. Really, truly love and can see all kinds of story attached to it. Some people see just cloth and beads, but I see a woman in a gown and a story. Perhaps that story is yours? Anyway, Lara's Theme is hauntingly fitting for the very last gown on this list, as I am saving the most beautiful gown for last.
This gown is available at the RFL Clothing fair shop. The Curious Seamstress is on the Paris sim! How exciting is that? Home of Worth! This gown is on special for the length of the fair with a price of $500 lindens. After the fair she will join her Majestic sisters.
Next up at the fair:
Aurora is a ballerina costume, but could as easily be used as a gown in a more modern venue. Her price is $500 lindens and she will be available at the Paris Seamstress store until the end of the RFL fair.
Shepherdess is a very special gown. She comes with a musical trunk that plays the theme to "Somewhere in Time". She is a beautiful lace and pink satin confection, with a sexy cut out neckline that makes a man eye that bodice! There are two bustles, and of course undergarments. This gown was originaly made last Spring, but was bought and auctioned off for RFL in New Babbage. The buyer contacted me and kindly gave permission to reissue the gown. So you can find this gown only in the RFL vendors of the Fair, for $895. All proceeds go to RFL for the duration of the fair. Ladies, if you love pink and lace, this is your chance to pick up a bargin, because after that fair IF the gown is issued it will not be at such a low cost again.
Now for the final two gowns for this week. These are amazing gowns, based on museum pieces, and quite stunning in person.
Le Reine, the Queen, and the first in the Majestic line of gowns. Made by House of Worth sometime in about 1898, rumored to be based on the Effiel Tower ironwork, very Avante Garde, and very beautiful.
Now for the best of them all. This gown is one I have waited and waited to make. I have traced it around the net for over a year, and found some amazing pictures tucked in odd corners. I hope that you to someday find a gown that calls to you as sweetly and strongly as this one has to me.
May I present, "Tzarina".
Made for a Russian Princess, now made for you in Second Life.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see you in Paris!
First, I hope you'll listen to this music from Youtube. I have it on my private Ipod and listened to it a LOT when I was making up these silks. If it doesn't get your heart beating faster, your eyes a narrowed down a little more seductively, and your hips flicking in quick rhythm, then you're not hearing the same song I am! Ice Queen is a gorgeous acoustical song and very fitting for these new silks.
So let's talk about silks. There are slave silks in the world of Second Life. Fewer of the just straight belly dancing silks are available, but they do exist. I own some from Sparkle Skye. They're gorgeous and realistic. Even belly dancing outfits have history and reasoning behind them, and they're not just strips of silks dangling off the tips of body parts!
I was less than a couple days old in 2007 when I found my first silk sets in Vienna. I was thrilled, they were amazing to my newbie eyes, and I still have those original sets in homage to the first silk makers. I picked up many sets over the years, and loved many of them. I didn't RP anyplace where I could actually wear them, but I had fun with them. Beautiful Sin, Solange, and Annalise were three of my favorites, and as I mentioned, Sparkle Skye has gorgeous sets as well. Anyone who has bought silks knows who I'm talking about. There are also a ton of other silkmakers out there. Some great, some so so, all of them inspired by the beauty of silk fabric draped around a woman's (or man's) body.
When I started working on Victorian and Edwardian clothing almost exclusively, I kind of put the silks away, then found out more about Little Egypt. As mentioned on Miss Breezy's blog, these silks are somewhat inspired by Little Egypt, but not all by her. Mostly, I'm having fun with sexy drapes that hint at the skin underneath, but don't always show it. If you were to wear nothing but the smallest skirt and the prim top, you would still be totally covered, at least the important bits! It took a lot of dancing around and playing with these items to make sure that was so. I was also hesitant to release them. After all, making silks is not my primary obsession in SL. However, we will again tap Miss Breezy and say that she very kindly explained to me that I should stop hoarding things in folders! Yes, they've been in my folders for a long time. Now however, I hope you will enjoy them and put them to good use.
Now let's take a look at the dancing silks.
Mother Isis, who was actually the Daughter of Nuit! Isis is Goddess of Magic and Mystery... and called Star of the Sea. Part of the reason I chose blue for her silks.
Nuit, Goddes of the night skies, wife to Geb, Mother of Isis and four other gods.
There are several pieces to these sets. If you buy a set and have a problem fitting it, drop me a notecard! The salwar and top come in different styles. In the Mother Isis set I have a short sleeved and long sleeved top, one is sheer and the other isn't. There are the pant like salwar, sheer and opaque, but no 'panties'. Really, these can be as modest or provocative as the wearer decides! In the Sister Nuit set both tops are long sleeved, but one is sheer.
One last little fun thing, I have a new freebie out at the stores. Clockwork Beauty is a ballerina costume, but also makes just a very pretty little gown. What you do with it is always up to you! I'd show a picture but the dratted computer has other ideas, so do stop by a store and pick up your copy!
Now, I'm off to work. We're in the Paris sim for RFL (it's STUNNING!) and I have a TON of work to do! Curious Seamstress will be presenting Worth and House of Worth court presentation gowns, and some other amazing surprises at our store during RFL. I do hope you'll stop by and take a peek!
For anyone wanting to find the new dance silks, they're in the New Release vendors at all the stores and will soon be up on SLex with the other Curious Seamstress goods.