This week I've two new releases, both part of the Satin Dolls collection. First up is Bessy, a stunning, lush purple ensemble. Complete with undergarments and not one, but two pairs of shoes. Gloves also come with this outfit.
The music is something I found on Youtube. It's such a sweet sound and song, that I thought it would be wonderful to introduce Miss Annette Hanshaw. She was popular in the late 1920s and early 1930s. I hope you enjoy her song! It may sound a bit familiar.
The second gown this week is Stella. Hot, sizzling, and sexy, this red orange gown is wonderful for those holiday parties.
Two pairs of shoes, gloves, and undergarments come with this outfit.
The gowns are also available on Marketplace.
I do hope that you'll enjoy the new gowns. There's also a new Victorian winter outfit out at the main store of Rosewood and at New Babbage.
This week I did a rather limited release of 1930s peep toe shoes, which is a brand new line of goods for Curious Seamstress. They are available at the main store of Rosewood, or at Seraph City's Carrington shop. The music is Moonlight Serenade. It was so evocative of slow dancing in the arms of your man on some late evening, that I had to use it. Swirling in a silky satin gown, shod with elegant peep toe shoes, how could a woman feel anything but beautiful?
I've been working on this shoe project off and on since this summer, wishing to have some truly special evening shoes. I wanted shoes that would match the Satin Doll gowns that will come out shortly. It is sometimes difficult for me to run all over the grid looking for good vintage period shoes, but worse, I rarely found a pair that was the exact color or style I wanted. True, I could find black, white, and maybe red heels that could pass for 1930s heels, but they weren't always very pretty. So I started doing some research. I spent hours reading about shoe styles of that decade, as well as some of the associated jewelry. For instance, the 1930s through the 1940s was the heyday of dress clips as well as shoe clips. Dress clips were gorgeous little baubles, either of real gemstones or costume jewelry, that a stylish woman wore on her gown at the shoulders but in front. You wanted to show off that sparkle! It also helped give gowns that look that we often think of for the 1930s and 1940s. Women also wore the dress clips on their shoes to dress them up in the evenings. Anyway, after much research and looking around, I finally took the leap, made the shoes, named the line, and released them into the wild earlier today.
There are six pairs of shoes, all for 1930s wear, mostly for evening use, though I'm pretty sure no one will call you on it if you go day time with them. The shoes are fun and sweet, and I plan on adding a lot more to that line. They're also inexpensive at $150 lindens a pair. The ads for the shoes are down below. I've plans for many more pairs, since I'll make a pair to go with each new 1930s gown, plus whatever else appeals to me!
I hope you'll drop by one of the two stores and pick up a pair soon!
A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and last week I found Amaretto breedable riding horses in Second Life! Can we just say woo hoo? yes I did get some. However, one of the things I noticed right away, being a clothing fiend, was that there weren't any decent Victorian riding habits that I could find. There's some interesting ones that have been around a while, but I wasn't overly impressed with the skirt arrangements. So of course I had to make one!
The habit has more than one skirt so that you can use it either in a sidesaddle position or astride, depending on your horse . . . of course! You won't have skirt prims flying up in your face either, but do be sure and read the instructions that come with the outfit for the best fit.
And speaking a bit more about horses, we now have a herd of gorgeous Appaloosa horses at the main store! Do drop by and see them when you have a moment. Later in the month we'll have some ready to be given away, but until then, we hope you'll enjoy watching the ones in the paddocks.