
Monday, August 16, 2010

OMG! It Came!! OR The Long Journey


Wondering what all the hollering is about? Well, I have on my desk my book. Yes, MY book! The proofs came today and I have spent the last two hours just petting them and looking at them! The book is a fantasy novel, the first of a four. The others are in various stages of the publishing process. But this first book is going to be up for sale on in a week or so. Both as a large paperback and as an ebook.

Jewels of the Kingdoms: Necklace of Nithica, was written about 13 years ago. I put it away for a long time, and then pulled it out again in January of this year. It has been through four computers, several 3.5 inch disks, a flash drive, and now a netbook. The original book was written as about 60 emails to two dear friends. That turned into a 900 page book. Well, it couldn't stay that long, and so I cut it in half. The first half of that story is now sitting on my desk, smiling up at me. It has been trimmed and polished and rewritten in places, and edited, and polished again. It is a hair away from being set loose in the world, after I go through the proofs.

I keep sniffling and staring and petting it. You have to understand that writing a book is like giving birth to a child. You're never sure what the outcome will be, but you're always proud of the results of that labor of love. It has taken much nurturing to get to this stage, and there were a LOT of people along the way who helped me.

So if you wonder what designers of digital clothing do in their off time, well, at least one of us writes stories.

I did have some gowns I released on Sunday, and I do hope you'll go inworld and see them. However, please forgive me whilst I go and cuddle my newest bookchild for a bit, and tell it how very special it is to me.

cordially yours,
and with a few sniffles,

PS. there's a link to the left that will take you to the blog for the book. Since book and clothing business are really not the same beasts, I thought I'd best give it its own blog!

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